GERMANY OLD STATES - COLLECTION OF STAMPS AND POSTAL HISTORY. Collection composed of album of stamps and covers with valuable presences generally excellently preserved from 1850: Baden, Bayern, Braunschweig, Hannover, Oldenburg, Prussia, Sachsen, Turn und Taxis, Wurttemberg. Guarantee certificates Stegmuller, Sorani, Raybaudi, Bolaffi, Berger, Brettl, Ferchembauer, Sem, Sommer, Thoma
COLLECTION/SAMMLUNG - ITALY AND ITALIAN COLONY/OCCUPATIONS. Collection contained in 5 red albums with mainly new Kingdom, Colonies, Occupations stamps, including a large format cover with non-guaranteed cancellations. Presence of stamps with non-original overprints such as Return Flight, 10Kr. Trentino and 50 lire RSI. Furthermore, an almost complete PRO JUVENTUTE collection from Switzerland, new and cancelled, together with several rare CANCELED WHOLE SHEETS: lot consisting of a sheet of 100 canceled 10 lire postage stamps, LA CANEA, sheets of 100 overprinted 5 lire and 1 lira stamps ( nn.12+13), cancelled. AEGEAN: the two sheets of the canceled expresses "Rodi Egeo", Triennale d'Oltremare the series of 4 airmail stamps (nn.A52/A55) in sheets of 50, unperforated and not gummed proof sheet of the stamp of 1, 50 AOI lire on green paper (not cancelled), REPUBLIC: 3 high value sheets, canceled and the entire sheet of 90 stamps (30 triptychs) YUGOSLAVIAN OCCUPATION OF TRIESTE. Some defects but at the same time of great value. Sorani and Raybaudi certificates
SAMMLUNG/COLLECTION ITALY AND AREA. Large and very interesting set composed of letters and stamps (both new and canceled or on fragments) of the Kingdom of Italy (postages with the high values of V.Emanuele II, Umberto I, V.Emanuele III), Italian colonies (including colonial set ). Italian occupations (Albania, Montenegro, Ljubljana, Aegean Islands) or Italian territories of both the First WWar and the Second WWar, Occupations of the Italian colonies. (Fezzan and Libya). Also Spanish Civil War and Post Field. Also post offices abroad (including China). Generally good quality set suitable for both the collector and the retailer
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