1855/64 - GERMANY (GRAND DUCHY OF HESSE). Lot with 3 letters from
Worms all addressed to Livorno. Multiple taxation
1855/64 - GERMANY (GRAND DUCHY OF HESSE). Lot with 3 letters from
Worms all addressed to Livorno. Multiple taxation
Lot 261
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THIRD REICH SAMMLUNG. Album containing canceled stamps from the 1933/1945 period and envelopes including aerograms with airmail stamps (Chicagofahrt cpl. set of 3) and some minisheets including the 1933 Welfare (Raybaudi certificate) and 1935 Ostropa. Ordinary quality
THIRD REICH SAMMLUNG. Album containing canceled stamps from the 1933/1945 period and envelopes including aerograms with airmail stamps (Chicagofahrt cpl. set of 3) and some minisheets including the 1933 Welfare (Raybaudi certificate) and 1935 Ostropa. Ordinary quality
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